Friday, August 04, 2006

Dajuan Wagner update

I came across this article about Dajuan Wagner today in the Philadelphia Daily News. I've been wondering what happened to him ever since I wrote about the 2002 NBA draft. The Cavs picked him 6th overall, and he showed signs of his potential before he was overcome with this strange illness that forced him out of the league.

He has since been diagnosed with colitis and had surgery just last October to help heal it. He's bounced back incredibly well. It would be a fantastic story if he could make his way back to the league and hopefully he'll catch on with some team.

I wish him luck.

Chris Cornell to write/sing Casino Royale's theme

Why? It boggles the mind.

Now, Michael Mann loves this guy, and I have no idea why. No idea whatsover. His songs always bother me in Mann's movies, because it seems like there could be something more appropriate to the scene or material. Hearing Cornell reminds me of watching MTV in the 90's, and that doesn't fit with Mann's sleek material. Maybe I should listen to Audioslave, but that won't change my associations with the voice.

Now, he's doing the theme for Casino Royale. This news became available a couple of weeks ago, but I've just found out. And I'm glad I didn't know earlier, because I was much happier for those two weeks than I would have been.

Last good use of Cornell in a movie? Brad Pitt smoking out the honey bear in True Romance to "Outshined."

What in the name of all that is holy could these people be thinking? It really is stunning. This strangely reduces my excitement for the movie by at least 50%.

I am going to keep an open mind. Must keep an open mind.

But if this thing comes out sounding like Spoonman, I'm going to be livid.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Nuggets: So Wells, but no Jacobsen?

The Nuggets are right back in the discussion of signing Bonzi Wells (GQ's Most Hated Athlete #7) and will apparently not be signing Casey Jacobsen anytime soon.

The Nuggets will have to do some sort of sign-and-trade to get Wells, because he's already turned down $6 million a year from the Kings.

Meanwhile, Casey Jacobsen won't be coming to the Nuggets training camp because he thinks he can get more money from somewhere else. Which he probably could because he's a good kid who can make it rain from outside. It would have been nice to have a Steve Kerr-like sniper to bring in the game every once in a while. But we apparently have more pressing needs. Like Bonzi Wells!

I can understand why the Nuggets want Bonzi Wells, because he's got terrible character and doesn't shoot threes anymore. I think those are the missing pieces to building a Nuggets dynasty. I guess it would be good to have a guy who takes it to the hoop and shoots mid-range jumpers to complement Melo's game of taking it to the hoop and shooting mid-range jumpers. Oh wait, no I meant I'd rather have a guy who can stretch the defense by nailing threes. I'm too mad to even write about this. The guy's been exiled from two franchises already.

Don't do this to me Denver. Unless you're going to use him in a trade for a decent human being.

Despite meeting with Cleveland, Reggie Evans will likely sign with the Nuggets again. We'd use the mid-level exception, and I suppose that is fine. He does play some d and get mad rebounds. But the man's offensive game is......"limited."

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Movie: We, Unauthorized Arundhati Roy documentary

From the movie's website:

"We is a fast-paced 64 minute documentary that covers the world politics of power, war, corporations, deception and exploitation. It visualizes the words of Arundhati Roy, specifically her famous Come September speech, where she spoke on such things as the war on terror, corporate globalization, justice and the growing civil unrest.

Witty, moving, alarming and quite a lesson in modern history. We is almost in the style of a music video, featuring the contemporary music of Lush, Curve, Love & Rockets, Boards of Canada, Nine Inch Nails, Dead Can Dance, Amon Tobin, Massive Attack, Totoise, Telepop, Placebo and Faithless. The music serves as wonderful background for the words of Ms. Roy and images of humanity in the world we live all in today.

We is a completely free documentary, created (and released) anonymously on the internet."

The movie is very thought-provoking, challenging, and the images and music are very powerful when combined together. Everyone should watch this at some point when they have enough time, because there is something for everyone to take from it. The part about Israel is particularly poignant right now.

I don't agree with some of what she has to say or how some of the images are presented, but it is important. Some of the points are very stinging and make me feel ashamed, and some are exaggerated or disingenuous. There is far too much material in the movie to address every point, some of which I could never refute and some I refuse to dignify. There is much to think about here though, and I want to leave people to make their own conclusions about the film. It is good to be jostled and challenged, and this project certainly does that.

I've written thousands of words already about my reaction to this movie and debated many points of it, but I didn't post any of that here because I think everyone should watch it first. It will outrage many people and I'm sorry if it does. But there is value to this film, and I wouldn't post this if the film was deceptively manipulative and inaccurate like a "Fahrenheit 9/11."

The movie can be downloaded as a WAV or iPod file, or watched via streaming video.

Classic: Redman on MTV Cribs

Redman's segment on MTV Cribs, a classic, and perhaps the best segment ever. If you've never seen this before, feast your eyes on the magnificence of the "De La Casa." I think that translates to "Of the House." But no matter, if Red said it, then it definitely makes sense. This used to be the whole clip, but MTV had YouTube take it down. Sorry for the NSFW photo at the outset...

Nuggets News

Kenyon Martin may still be a Nugget next season, which is actually good news. The Nuggets apparently shopped him around all summer, but there were no takers for his bad knee and bad contract. Recently, it seemed as though the only options for a Martin trade were to the Knicks for Francis, which I don't think would have made anyone happy.

According to today's Rocky Mountain News, George Karl indicated that Martin would be with the team next season, and that he would attempt to work things out with him.

The Nuggets are currently only $3 million under the luxury-tax line right now, and do not want to go over. But several names keep coming up.

The Nuggets are rumored to be interested in the following players: Bonzi Wells, Al Harrington, and Keith Van Horn. To this, I can only say NO!, yeah right, and maybe.

Wells shot a sizzling 22% from 3 last year, which would make him yet another poor-shooting shooting guard. Why is our name coming up here? Wells brings nothing to the table that we need. And he was #7 on GQ magazine's Ten Most Hated Athletes list. Here's what they said:

"Not yet 30 years old, Bonzi Wells, shooting guard for the Sacramento Kings, has played for three NBA teams. “If you’ve got that much ability and you’re traded three times that early in your career,” says ex-NBA player and current ESPN commentator Tom Tolbert, “there’s obviously something wrong with you.”

Words like fumigate come up when people try to explain why GMs trade him. “It doesn’t bother him if his unhappiness infects the entire team,” says Memphis sportswriter Geoff Calkins, who recalls that when Grizzlies coach Hubie Brown was contemplating retirement (citing health reasons), “part of the calculus for Hubie was ‘It’s not worth it,’ and a big part of that was Bonzi. He helped bring Hubie down.”

When Brown’s successor, Mike Fratello, pulled Wells from a game at the end of last season, Bonzi threw a tantrum involving, characteristically, both profanity and projectiles. “This was in the final weeks of the season,” says Ron Higgins, another Memphis sportswriter, “when the Grizzlies were desperately trying to make the playoffs. Other players looked at him like, What the hell are you doing?”

Recalls sportswriter Jason Quick, who covered Bonzi in Portland: “He would flip off a fan and the next day say, ‘I blacked out.’ He’s such a con man. When the TV lights went on, he’d put on that million-dollar smile, then be an ass when they left.” He spat, infamously, on Danny Ferry. He bitched constantly at his coaches. He was fined for bad-mouthing his own fans in Sports Illustrated. He made a veiled threat after a reporter wrote a negative story about him. “He told me, ‘Don’t be surprised one day if you show up to practice with a steak over your eye,’ ” Quick remembers. “And I said, ‘If you want to do that, I’ll be a rich man.’ He said, ‘I’m not dumb enough to do it myself. I’ll have my posse do it.’ ”


Al Harrington is a stud, but we won't get him and this is just another example of the Nuggets getting thrown into trade discussions for no decent reason. We should focus on Reggie Evans, who despite being a nut-grabber, is actually pretty solid. Evans is waiting on the Nuggets, who are trying to figure out how to use their mid-level exception and how to stay under the luxury tax. According to the Akron Beacon-Journal, the Cleveland Cavs met with Evans yesterday.

Van Horn is a player I never really liked. But Karl seems to think he can bring something to the Nuggets, which is a big man who can shoot from the perimeter. This would be great for the Nuggets because it would draw a big defender out of the lane and allow Melo to use his post game more easily down low. He did shoot a solid 37% from 3 last season, so it sounds like this would work. He made something ridiculous like $15 million last year though, so the Nuggets would have to work something out. But I think this is a good thing. If we can work it out, then we should do it.

If my calculations are correct, here is what the Nuggets would look like if we signed Van Horn, didn't sign Evans, and didn't sign DerMarr (who brings nothing to the table). I wish we could sign Casey Jacobsen, but it doesn't look like we have room for him. Unless we got rid of someone....coughbhackhack rubenpatterson coughhackhack....

PG: Andre Miller
SG: J.R. Smith
SF: Melo
PF: K-Mart
C: Camby


PG Earl Boykins
G/F Yakhouba Diawara
G Julius Hodge
G/F Ruben Patterson
F Linas Kleiza
F Eduardo Najera
F Keith Van Horn
F/C Nenê
F/C Jamal Sampson

This team would have everything the Nuggets need.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

J.R. Smith: The Highlights

Some of the new Nugget's highlights:

The Air Up There

This is a pretty good highlight mix of the man who did the 720. There's some other stuff in here that is almost as impressive.

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