Friday, August 04, 2006

Chris Cornell to write/sing Casino Royale's theme

Why? It boggles the mind.

Now, Michael Mann loves this guy, and I have no idea why. No idea whatsover. His songs always bother me in Mann's movies, because it seems like there could be something more appropriate to the scene or material. Hearing Cornell reminds me of watching MTV in the 90's, and that doesn't fit with Mann's sleek material. Maybe I should listen to Audioslave, but that won't change my associations with the voice.

Now, he's doing the theme for Casino Royale. This news became available a couple of weeks ago, but I've just found out. And I'm glad I didn't know earlier, because I was much happier for those two weeks than I would have been.

Last good use of Cornell in a movie? Brad Pitt smoking out the honey bear in True Romance to "Outshined."

What in the name of all that is holy could these people be thinking? It really is stunning. This strangely reduces my excitement for the movie by at least 50%.

I am going to keep an open mind. Must keep an open mind.

But if this thing comes out sounding like Spoonman, I'm going to be livid.


At 1:46 PM, Blogger Charles said...


I'm assuming Alex's question was rhetorical. And I don't recall deleting any comments. Maybe I'm being hacked. No true Cornell-heads have made their way in here yet.

At 4:28 PM, Blogger Charles said...

On an unrelated note, I made a life-size replica of myself out of roses and sent it to Kim. She loved it.


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